(404) 999-SAFE (7233)

Mosquito Control

Mosquitoes are more than a nuisance, they can also transmit serious diseases to people and pets like the West Nile, Zika and Dengue Virus. That’s why Mrs Green Planet is committed to keeping the irritating pest away from your property. Our traditional eco-friendly mosquito barrier treatment service has controlled countless mosquitoes in residential and commercial properties. We service every 20-23 days for best control.

Our traditional mosquito barrier treatment is our primary mosquito control technique. We utilize specialized equipment, we use a botanical blend and a IGR (insect growth regulator for the eggs and larvae) registered by the Environmental Protection Agency that meets both local and federal regulations. Our unrivaled treatment helps control and repels up to 90 percent of mosquitoes on contact and remains effective for up to three weeks after application.

We’ll inspect standing water, vegetation, log piles, tarps, shady spots, and other conditions. This ensures we can help control mosquitoes where they breed, feed, and harbor.

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